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Understanding Audience Demand: A Case Study of 'Criminal Minds' Performance in the United Kingdom

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Parrot Analytics Insights - August 2023

As an executive in the entertainment industry, you are always looking for key insights that can guide your content decisions, programming decisions and acquisition decisions. One of the most valuable tools to make these decisions is demand data. The demand data can provide you with information such as how popular your show is currently relative to other competitors in the market, who your main audience is, what sort of impact your show is having on other content on your platform, in what markets your show is most in-demand, and whether the show is suitable for launching in new markets.

Let's examine the case study of "Criminal Minds" and see how the demand data can guide an entertainment executive's decision-making process. The first thing to consider is the show's outstanding demand in the United Kingdom, where this specific show has an audience demand of 12.7x the average show over the last 30 days. This represents a 14.6% increase in the UK audience demand in August 2023.

Demand data offers valuable information about a show's popularity, its current audience, and its future growth potential. At the same time, demand data also helps assess the quality of the content and how it fits the platform's needs. In the case of "Criminal Minds," the drama series has a strong global appeal, and Parrot Analytics' global content demand and supply data is a reliable indicator of the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution, making it an excellent acquisition for streaming platforms.

The demand data also highlights the importance of examining the show's different dimensions to gain deeper insights into how it is performing. In this case, "Criminal Minds" has exceptional longevity, momentum, and reach, which means that the show is not only popular but has a devoted audience and attracts new prospective subscribers to the platform.

Furthermore, the demand data can inform executives of comparable titles and programmes in the drama genre, which includes "NCIS," "The Equalizer," "The Blacklist," and "Deadliest Catch." These programmes can suggest potential overlapping audiences, helping executives explore other titles to expand the programme catalogs and increase engagement.

Another way demand data can be supportive for executives is by offering insights into where a programme is most popular and where it has potential for future growth. In "Criminal Minds," the show has a strong demand internationally, with an outstanding audience demand in China, Canada, Germany and Australia. This performance across markets provides a good indication of future growth potential for the drama series in new markets.

Finally, understanding the trends of the audience demand for the show over time provides crucial insights into the show's current and future performance. For example, the "Criminal Minds" show has slightly decreased in popularity in the last 30 days compared to the previous year; however, the demand spike that occurred in mid-August 2023 signals an opportunity to assess the cause of the increase, whether it is due to specific events or promotional activities that can be replicated for upcoming shows.

In conclusion, demand data can provide valuable insights for entertainment industry executives looking to make informed content, acquisition, programming, or distribution decisions. The demand data of a show like "Criminal Minds" can reveal its audience composition, geographical distribution, and content valuation metrics. Ultimately, Parrot Analytics' data empowers executives to make informed decisions to stay ahead of the competition, gain a competitive advantage and keep their audiences engaged in the long run.

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