United Kingdom

Using Demand Data to Make Informed Content Decisions: A Case Study of In The Night Garden

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As an entertainment executive, you can make informed content decisions using demand data. The example of "In The Night Garden" for the month of October 2023 in the United Kingdom reveals how important it is to track and analyze audience demand to help with decision-making processes in the entertainment industry.

Content Valuation: Demand data is crucial in determining the value of content, and Parrot Analytics' content valuation system is based on demand data and reveals the dollar value contribution of any title to any platform in any region. According to the recent data for "In The Night Garden," it has 8.8 times the audience demand of the average show in the United Kingdom over the last 30 days, demonstrating its high demand and value in the region.

Target Audience: Demand data also provides insights into the target audience for a particular title, and "In The Night Garden" is designed for children aged 2 to 4. Knowing this information can help executive make informed decisions about targeting marketing campaigns towards the relevant audience.

International Demand: Travelability, the measure of a show's international demand relative to its home market, is essential for platforms looking to scale globally. "In The Night Garden" proves successful in the United Kingdom, being the number one market globally for the show with outstanding audience demand of 3.5x and good demand across other English-speaking markets such as the United States, Ireland, and Australia. Therefore, executives can capitalize on the success of "In The Night Garden" in these markets and make informed decisions regarding its distribution and acquisition.

Franchisability: Demand data can also be used to determine a show's franchising potential. The franchisability of "In The Night Garden" is low, indicating the show may not have spin-off potential. Knowing the franchisability of a show can help executives decide if it is worth investing in as a long-term asset.

Demand Trends: Demand data indicates that audience demand for "In The Night Garden" has been decreasing in the United Kingdom recently by 36.2%. Knowing the swings in demand data and trends over time can help executives make informed programming decisions and determine strategies for retaining or growing an audience.

Comparative Analysis: Comparing the performance of "In The Night Garden" on a 1-year rolling basis versus the last 30 days shows that the show has increased in popularity, peaking at 11.8 times the demand average for the last 30 days compared to 12.2 times for the year. Executives can track the show's performance over time and make informed decisions by analyzing audience demand trends.

In conclusion, demand data provides executives with insights to make informed content, acquisition and distribution decisions. In the case of "In The Night Garden," examining the demand data for the show has revealed crucial information about its target audience, franchisability, and international demand, which can inform strategic decisions regarding its programming, distribution, and acquisition.

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