United Kingdom

How Demand Data Can Empower Entertainment Executives to Make Informed Content Decisions: Analyzing the Case of 'Kaguya-sama: Love is War'

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As an entertainment executive, you can use demand data to inform many of your content decisions, including acquisition, distribution, and programming. Analyzing the demand data for "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War", can provide insights into how it is performing in the United Kingdom, and how it may perform in other markets.

You can use demand data to assess the value of content. This data can be used to reveal the dollar value contribution of any title in any region, and to estimate the ROI that a specific title will bring for a given platform. Based on the analysis of "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War", we can see that its demand is good in the United Kingdom, with an audience demand of 6.5 times the average show. Demand data can be used in conjunction with content valuation to help you determine how much to spend on content.

Demand enables TV executives to value IP globally. By analyzing the demand for "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War" in ten of its most in-demand markets, executives can gain insight into its global popularity and the opportunity for expansion into new markets.

Demand informs subscriber retention and acquisition decisions by identifying which titles are most popular with audiences. If you want to keep your current audience happy, you can buy titles that have high demand, such as "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War". If you want to grow your audience, you can use demand data to assess which titles will help you attract new subscribers to your platform.

Demand data can also help you make decisions about supply and demand by identifying which types of content exhibit opportunity to acquire or produce. You can use this information to determine which new shows may be worth investing in or which shows may be coming to market that you may want to acquire.

By analyzing the show's rank, genre percentile, and audience demand over time, executives can get a better understanding of how the show is performing and whether it is losing or gaining traction. We can see that, over the last 30 days, demand for "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War" in the United Kingdom has decreased by 23.2%, highlighting a potential need for more marketing or advertising efforts.

Demand data can also be used to optimize marketing campaigns, pre-release marketing and refine affinity analysis by identifying the best talent and brands to partner with.

In summary, the demand data on "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War" show that the show is consistently in the top 8.6% of all TV shows with the highest demand. The global performance of the show is outstanding across six dimensions, including audience demand, travelability, and longevity. Understanding this demand data can help you make more informed decisions about content valuation, acquisition, distribution, and programming.

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