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Maximizing Returns on Investment: How Demand Data Can Inform Entertainment Executives' Decision-Making

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As an entertainment executive, using demand data such as that provided for "We Hunt Together" can help you make more informed content decisions. By analyzing the demand data, you can acquire the knowledge necessary to make the best decisions for your platform or network.

Demand data can be critical to content valuation, yielding insights into how much value a given title provides to a platform or network. The valuation system provided by Parrot Analytics can help answer questions such as the baseline value of a particular title and how effective it will be in driving subscriptions or mitigating churn. Using demand data, a TV executive can calculate the dollar value contribution of a title, regardless of region or platform.

For instance, looking at "We Hunt Together," there is a clear indication that demand for the show has been dropping in the United Kingdom. Though it still holds good demand, the fact that it has been decreasing could inform a content acquisition decision. However, the spike in demand in late October may suggest a possible trend change, offering an opportunity for further examination of the show's performance.

In addition to indicating potential acquisition decisions for executives, demand data can also inform decisions about content distribution and programming. By comparing the performance of "We Hunt Together" on a year rolling basis versus the last 30 days, executives can determine trends in popularity and extrapolate whether the show is worth continuing to promote. Additionally, looking at the top 10 global markets where the show is most in-demand can provide insight into where resources should be allocated for distribution.

Demand data can also offer insight into the marketing of a show before and after premiere, by revealing target audiences, desired genres, and ideal platforms. It can also identify hidden markets or under-monetized titles.

Overall, entertainment executives can utilize demand data to help make more well-informed decisions, from programming or acquisition to distribution or marketing. By working with content valuation and travelability estimates, executive decision-making can be more targeted, resulting in higher returns on investment and better opportunities for growth.

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