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Maximize Your ROI with Demand Data: Case Study of Ancient Aliens

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

If you are an entertainment executive looking to make more informed decisions related to content acquisition, distribution, and programming, you need to leverage demand data. Parrot Analytics can help you evaluate the demand for TV shows across different markets, and this information can help you make more informed decisions about the ROI of a particular title.

For example, if you have "Ancient Aliens" in your library and want to determine its value, demand data can provide valuable insights. Historically, the demand for this show has been significant, with a peak demand of 19.7 times the average demand for a title over the entire year. However, in the last 30 days, the show’s demand has declined to 10.2 times the average title. This decline in demand indicates that there may be a need to re-market the series or look for alternative revenue streams.

Furthermore, by examining the top 10 global markets where "Ancient Aliens" is most in demand, we can see that this TV series outperforms the demand for the average TV show in each of these markets. The show's number one market globally is the United States, where it achieved outstanding audience demand of 3.5x. These insights not only help you understand the true value of a title in a specific market but can also guide you towards a more strategic acquisition plan.

Demand data can also help you quantify the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution and how a title drives engagement across the rest of the catalog. For example, by analyzing the demand for "Ancient Aliens," we find that this show is in the 98.9th percentile of the documentary genre. This means it has higher demand than 98.9% of all documentary titles in the United States. Consequently, the show is an excellent candidate to optimize the content library and marketing campaigns around this specific genre, ultimately increasing the engagement of potential audiences.

In conclusion, entertainment executives who leverage demand data can make more informed decisions regarding content acquisition and programming. Parrot Analytics' content valuation system is an economic valuation system based on global content demand and supply and helps entertainment executives to determine how much to spend on content, how to estimate its ROI, where to target their content, what type of content to acquire or produce, and how to effectively retain or acquire the audience while keeping them happy. By utilizing demand data, executives can shape their programming and acquisition strategies for maximum efficiency.

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