
Maximizing Success in Entertainment: How Parrot Analytics Demand Data Empowers Executives to Make Informed Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As an entertainment executive, understanding audience demand is key to making informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. Using Parrot Analytics demand data, executives are empowered to answer key questions such as how much is my series worth, what type(s) of content exhibit opportunities to acquire or produce and how to ensure my content is being seen by the right audience on my platform.

One way to analyze audience demand is through content valuation, which uses demand data to reveal a title's economic value to any platform in any region. By doing so, executives can determine how much to spend on content and understand the platform-specific contribution of a title to a platform's marginal revenue. In the case of "You", the demand for the show in India is high, with 9.5 times the audience demand of the average show, and ranks in the 99.5th percentile in the romance genre.

Demand data also helps executives make strategic decisions concerning subscriber acquisition and retention, understanding which titles to buy for maximum impact, how much content is worth to another streaming platform and how to value an entire content library. For example, executives can use demand data to assess whether "You" can drive subscriptions and mitigate churn.

Furthermore, demand data can inform decision-making around pre-release marketing and optimal release strategies and pricing. Parrot Analytics' insight into taste clusters provides an understanding of the show's audience, and how upcoming productions might be optimized for success, such as who is the best talent and what is the best brand to partner with.

Additionally, demand data can provide insights into competitive benchmarking. For instance, "You" compares favorably against other titles, outperforming the average TV show in each of the ten global markets where it is in-demand. Understanding audience demand helps executives make informed decisions on which platforms to target for distribution of their content, what content to acquire to increase engagement and retain customers, and which content relies on sustained demand and, therefore, requires less marketing spend.

Finally, Parrot Analytics' six dimensions of performance enables executives to measure global performance and success across travelability, longevity, momentum, franchisability, and reach, providing insights into spin-off potential, the pace of growth, and number of people expressing demand for a show. Through such information, executives can strategically decide on how to monetize IP for the show through spin-offs, franchises or merchandise.

Overall, understanding audience demand through Parrot Analytics' demand data helps entertainment executives make data-driven decisions, whether related to content, acquisition, distribution, or programming, leading to successful and profitable productions.

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