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Using Demand Data to Drive Strategic Decisions: Insights from Coronation Street

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

If you are an entertainment executive working in a TV network, SVOD platform or production company, the wealth of insights revealed by demand data for TV shows like "Coronation Street" can help inform your content acquisition and programming decisions.

Firstly, demand data can be used to help determine the baseline value of a title like "Coronation Street" for potential acquisition. As an entertainment executive, you can leverage Parrot Analytics' content valuation system to reveal the dollar value contribution of "Coronation Street" to your platform, in any region.

Additionally, since "Coronation Street" is one of the most popular TV shows in the United Kingdom, other entertainment executives could use demand data to understand the competitive benchmarking of their own TV shows against this title. They can also leverage demand data to assess the value of exclusivity for "Coronation Street", and thus decide whether it is worth investing in the exclusive license to this title.

The analysis of "Coronation Street" can also provide insight into audience preferences and tastes. For instance, the specific niches and demographics that are drawn to the show, and the genre clusters that may be popular.

Additionally, demand data enables strategic decision-making that helps to optimize release strategy and pricing for "Coronation Street," which can be useful for content distributors and programming teams. They can also use demand to assess which titles are most effective in driving engagement, user acquisition or retention, and decision-making related to supply and demand in various markets.

Finally, entertainment executives can use demand data to identify trends in the popularity of their titles over time. For example, as seen in the case of "Coronation Street," they can chart how a show's total demand value has been trending over time in order to extract actionable insights and optimize programming schedules accordingly.

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