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Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How Entertainment Executives Can Make Informed Decisions on Content Valuation, Acquisition, Distribution, and Programming using 'Dragon Ball Z' as a Case Study

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As an entertainment executive, you can use demand data to make more informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. Let us take "Dragon Ball Z" as an example and see how demand data can help in decision making.

Firstly, demand data helps in content valuation. By using Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, you can estimate the worth of a specific title or an entire library based on their demand data. For instance, by looking at the demand data of "Dragon Ball Z" in the United States for the month of November 2023, we can estimate its worth and see that it has 35.9 times the audience demand of the average show, which is exceptional. This data helps in determining how much a certain show would be worth on a platform.

Secondly, demand data can help in programming decisions. By examining the audience's demand, entertainment executives can make decisions around choosing the right time slots, scheduling reruns, or even deciding which shows should be renewed, altered or ended. For instance, "Dragon Ball Z" achieved the peak rank of #19 in the United States during November and moved up 25 spots in rank from the previous month. So, an entertainment executive might consider moving the show into a more prime time slot to capitalize on its high demand.

Furthermore, demand data can also help you in your acquisition decision. By looking at the audience demand for a particular show, you can compare it with other shows in the same genre, region or platform which can help you identify lucrative acquisition opportunities. In this case, looking at similar shows that fans of "Dragon Ball Z" like can help executives make informed decisions on what other anime titles or shows in the action adventure genre they could acquire for their platform.

Additionally, demand data is useful when it comes to distribution decisions. Using demand data, entertainment executives can assess which territories are best suited for a particular title and how it would perform in those regions. In the case of "Dragon Ball Z", we see it has a global demand across all platforms and countries, indicating its strong travelability. This data would be useful for executives when exploring the possibility of distributing the show in new international markets through licensing.

Lastly, demand data can help executives to optimize their marketing campaigns and prices, paving the way for increased subscriber acquisition or retention. As the demand for "Dragon Ball Z" spiked during late November 2023 in the United States, an executive could tailor their marketing strategy around its high demand- pushing sponsored ads for relevant merchandise and stressing how much "Dragon Ball Z" would be a perfect content fit for the platform’s current subscribers.

In conclusion, demand data can help entertainment executives to make more informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. By using Parrot Analytics' system, entertainment companies can tap into the global content demand and supply, take into account the unique preferences and tastes of their target audiences, increase organizational efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

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