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Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How 'Lab Rats' Can Help Entertainment Executives Make Informed Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As a global entertainment executive, using demand data can greatly help you to make more informed decisions regarding content valuation, acquisition, distribution, programming, marketing, and more. Let's use "Lab Rats" as an example to demonstrate how demand data can be leveraged.

Content Valuation: Content valuation answers the question, "How much is my series worth?" By using demand data, content valuation can reveal the dollar value contribution of any title to any platform in any region. Evaluate the demand metrics of "Lab Rats," which shows good demand by the United States with 2.9 times the audience demand of the average show in the country over the last 30 days. Also, it ranked at the 90.4th percentile in the drama genre, higher than 90.4% of all drama titles in the United States.

Acquisition Decision: Demand data can answer the question, "What type(s) of content exhibit the opportunity to acquire?" In this case, one can acquire "Lab Rats" for the United States as it is among the top-performing shows in the country, with demand spiked in late November 2023.

Programming Decision: To determine the best release strategy for a show, demand data can provide insight into the show's momentum and audience preferences. For example, "Lab Rats," with its good demand over the last 30 days in the United States, may benefit from a strategic release plan to continue its growth momentum.

Distribution Decision: To assess where a show should be distributed next, travelability is key. Although the worldwide audience demand across all platforms for "Lab Rats" is okay, its travelability is poor, which indicates that it may not be the best option to distribute internationally, but it is a good fit for the United States.

Marketing Decision: Pre-release marketing can be optimized to maximize a show's success by conducting an affinity analysis. In the case of "Lab Rats," this involves understanding who is the best talent or brand to partner with to expand its audience further.

These are just some examples of how demand data can help executives make more informed decisions. By examining the demand metrics of "Lab Rats," such as its peak demand, rolling averages, and global performance, we can get a sense of the show's popularity and best next steps. It is evident that demand data can provide actionable insight that can drive effective strategy and better business decisions.

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