
Using Demand Data: A Deep Dive into Little Baby Bum's Performance and How It Can Guide Executive Decision-Making

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Parrot Analytics Insights - September 2023

As a television executive, it is essential to make informed content decisions while considering various factors that will impact the commercial success of a TV series. Utilizing demand data can provide unique insights into how content performs in the market relative to its competitors. In September 2023, "Little Baby Bum" generated 11.6 times the audience demand of the average TV show in Australia. This outstanding demand over the past 30 days may provide further context to how much the show is worth to a streaming platform or network, and considering that demand has increased at 11.5 times the average over the previous 90 days highlights its upward trending popularity.

Valuing IP globally is another crucial use of demand data. The popularity of "Little Baby Bum" in the UK is exceptional, generating 13.5 times the demand of the typical show. Additionally, it continuously experiences outstanding audience demand in countries such as Trinidad & Tobago, Canada, New Zealand, Philippines, Jamaica, and Australia. Accessing this information from demand data may help executives understand in which regions a particular series can potentially generate any revenue or where the content could be monetized.

Another valuable use of demand data is the ability to identify taste clusters. Audience taste clusters can be used to determine what genres are resonating most with the current audience and what genres should be focused on to attract new subscribers to a streaming service. As Little Baby Bum has a high demand across different countries globally, it can be concluded that there is a trend in popular TV shows targeting kids and families. 

Finally, using demand data helps with subscriber acquisition and retention. Since the audience demand for the Little Baby Bum in Australia decreased by 6.8% in September 2023, an executive may consider analyzing the factors that contributed to this decrease and implement measures to retain audiences. Furthermore, understanding the show's momentum, reaching a broader audience while maintaining a steady pace of growth, can help inform advertising and marketing strategies.

In conclusion, executives in the entertainment industry if utilized the insights provided by demand data could make more informed content, acquisition, distribution, or programming decisions. While Little Baby Bum is a children’s show, insights gained from analyzing its demand data could be applied to content in any genre, enabling executives to make better content decisions backed by evidence.

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