
Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How Parrot Analytics Helps Entertainment Executives Make More Informed Decisions with the Example of 'Miracle Workers'.

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Parrot Analytics Insights - August 2023

As an entertainment executive, you may be wondering how demand data can be utilized to make informed content acquisition and distribution decisions, as well as programming decisions. You may also be interested in learning how demand relates to content valuation. To provide an answer, let’s look at how demand data can be used to inform strategic decisions via an example of the TV series, “Miracle Workers”.

Firstly, content valuation is an economic valuation system powered by global content demand and supply. Demand data in the case of “Miracle Workers” has been outstanding in the Australian market. According to Parrot Analytics, it has achieved 9.8 times more audience demand than the average show in the Australian market over the last 30 days, and only 2.7% of all TV shows have this level of audience demand. In addition, compared to its demand of 6.5 times the average over the last 90 days, demand has been increasing recently. The series has also seen tremendous growth in its rank by 20 spots during August in Australia.

Secondly, demand data such as the Parrot Pulse can be used to measure any show’s global performance (audience demand across all platforms), its momentum (the pace of growth), its longevity (how well audience demand is maintained over time), its travelability (a show’s international demand relative to its home market), its franchisability (spin-off potential), and its reach (the number of people expressing demand for a show). In the case of “Miracle Workers”, the worldwide audience demand has been outstanding and its momentum, longevity, and reach are good. The show has good franchisability, and its travelability is also good, meaning that the show has a potential for global expansion.

Thirdly, demand data reveals what is popular in a market and informs viewer preferences. “Miracle Workers” has exhibited 99.7% percentile in the romance genre in Australia, and has been one of the most in-demand titles in the genre. Enquiring which shows are currently in-demand in its number one market, the United States, can also provide a glimpse into viewer preferences. Knowing that “Miracle Workers” audience demand is exceptional in markets like the US, Australia, Russia, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, France, and China can inform acquisition and distribution decisions.

Finally, demand data can be used to inform content programming decisions. For instance, when writer Simon Rich produces a program for an SVOD platform, this data can help that platform choose what to fund based on the likelihood of a show’s success. Additionally, analyzing content performance can help executives optimize release strategies and price points, and plan pre-release marketing campaigns to capture audiences. In the case of “Miracle Workers”, analyzing the show’s performance on a rolling year basis indicated it has increased in popularity over the last 30 days. Studying viewer preferences and top titles in-demand also provides information on opportunities to acquire or produce new content in the genre.

To recap, using the example of “Miracle Workers”, demand data is a powerful tool that can inform strategic decisions made by entertainment executives related to content acquisition, distribution, programming, and valuation. It reveals what is popular, enables benchmarking against other titles available on the market, and informs strategies to capture or retain audiences. With detailed data-driven insights, the industry can also make informed decisions about how to monetize content effectively, how to optimize release strategies and price points, how to plan marketing campaigns, and where to direct future investments.

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