
Unpacking the Power of Demand Data: How Steven Universe Can Inform Content Decisions for Entertainment Executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

As an entertainment executive, you are constantly making decisions around content such as acquisition, distribution, programming, and production. With the help of demand data, you can make data-driven decisions, allowing you to understand audience behaviour better, forecast demand, and target your content to the right audience. Let's take a look at how "Steven Universe" can be analysed using demand data and how it can be useful in the decision-making process.

Firstly, content valuation can be determined using demand data. For instance, by analysing the audience demand for "Steven Universe" in January 2024 in Brazil, you can get an accurate determination of how valuable the show is within the market. With 16.0 times the audience demand of the average show in Brazil, it shows that this show is in high demand, meaning that its value is high. By quantifying the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution using demand data, the value of the title can be calculated, as well as how the title will drive engagement across the rest of the catalog.

Secondly, the global popularity of "Steven Universe" can be analysed using demand data across various markets globally. By analysing data over the last 30 days, you can identify which markets the show is most popular in, and how it compares to other TV shows in those markets. "Steven Universe" is most popular in the United States, Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, France, Chile, and Peru compared to the average show demand in these markets. This data can be very helpful to inform acquisition or distribution decisions.

Thirdly, demand data can be used to inform decision making around genre, marketing, and talent. For example, it reveals the most popular genres in a region or market, enabling optimal release strategy and pricing, and it uncovers which talent or TV shows will help to acquire or retain subscribers. This can be useful when programming or scheduling to ensure that content resonates with the target audience.

Fourthly, evaluating audience demand data longitudinally can reveal trends, such as momentum, longevity, reach, and travelability. For instance, for "Steven Universe," assessing the change in the demand for the series over the last 30 days compared to a 1-year rolling average reveals that the series has increased in its popularity. Momentum data indicates the pace of growth, while longevity measures how well a show’s audience demand is maintained over time. Reach, on the other hand, analyses the number of people expressing demand for a show. Finally, travelability measures the show’s international demand relative to its home market.

Lastly, demand data can help answer questions about a TV series such as its worth, how much it can contribute to a platform, its ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn, and how it compares to other titles available on the market. By providing a detailed analysis of the audience mindset, entertainment executives can make informed decisions that help them to achieve their objectives.

Based on the audience demand analysis of "Steven Universe" for the month of January 2024 in Brazil, the show can be considered a strategic asset for a platform as it has an outstanding demand and travelability, with a high level of engagement in Brazil. Additionally, its momentum, franchisability, and reach are all exceptionally high, meaning it has the potential to be a highly profitable acquisition. For producers and studios, it could also be an excellent opportunity for a spin-off considering its high franchisability. These are just a few examples of how demand data can be used to make informed and strategic decisions surrounding content, distribution, programming, and production.

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