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Unlocking the Value of Demand Data: How 'The Chi' Demonstrates Its Importance for Entertainment Executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

For entertainment executives looking to make more informed content decisions, demand data like that provided for "The Chi" can be an invaluable tool. Firstly, it can help with content or acquisition decisions by providing insights into how well a show is performing with its current audience or how much demand exists for a specific genre in a particular region. Demand data also allows for the valuation of potential content, enabling executives to determine how much a content library or individual title is worth to a streaming or SVOD platform.

Demand data can also be used to make distribution decisions: executives can determine which platforms to target for distribution of their content, and understand which of their titles are underperforming in specific regions and adjust accordingly.

Programming decisions can be made using demand data by determining what type of content has the greatest opportunity to acquire or produce. Affinity analysis provided by Parrot Analytics can be used to understand which TV shows, talents or brands are most likely to expand the audience of a particular show, or to acquire or retain subscribers of a particular streaming platform.

Finally, demand data can help with decisions surrounding subscriber retention and acquisition. Using demand insights to determine which titles are most likely to keep current subscribers happy, or which titles are most likely to grow the platform's audience base. Additionally, understanding taste clusters or genres can help executives optimize their marketing campaigns for their shows, enabling them to attract more viewers and retain them for longer periods of time.

When looking at the specific data for "The Chi," executives can glean a lot of valuable information from the insights provided. For example, they can understand that while the show's US market is performing well, audience demand has decreased 32.8% in the last 30 days. While this is a red flag, the information that demand spiked in late November tells executives there may be a specific episode or season that is fueling interest.

Additionally, executives could use the global demand data provided for "The Chi" to understand which regions to prioritize for distribution or promotion. Knowing that the show performs best in the US, Kenya, South Africa, Canada, and the United Kingdom, for instance, could be instrumental in directing marketing campaigns or arranging distribution deals.

Finally, information on the show's travelability, momentum, and franchisability is useful for understanding the long-term value of the IP. For instance, outstanding longevity and momentum could indicate that "The Chi" has the potential for multiple seasons of continued interest or storyline expansion, while good franchisability shows the possibility for spin-offs or franchise opportunities.

In conclusion, demand data is an essential tool for entertainment executives who want to make the most informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. Whether using this data to understand what type of content resonates with audiences in different regions or to make pricing or programming choices, demand data can help executives to focus on the best choices for their business and audience. Companies like Parrot Analytics provide invaluable data insights like those provided above for "The Chi" to help executives make these decisions based on empirical data rather than guesswork.

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